How to Tell if Your Catalytic Converter Needs to be Replaced

Trust your catalytic converter repair to Country Road Auto in Lincoln Park, NJ

Every time you start your car, your catalytic converter gets to work removing the pollutants from the vehicle exhaust. It’s a small part that packs a big punch if you need to have it replaced. That’s because it contains a catalyst that’s made up of expensive metals, typically platinum and palladium.  There are some things you can do as preventive maintenance. It’s also a good idea to know the signs and symptoms of a catalytic converter that is failing.

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Fluid flushes help preserve the life of your vehicle. Schedule yours at Country Road Auto in Lincoln Park, New Jersey.

When it comes to fluid flushes, there seems to be some confusion as to whether or not they are needed. Considering the fact that engine oil, transmission fluid, steering fluid, brake fluid and coolant are all vital to the operation of your vehicle, they should be maintained on a regular basis. So, yes, fluid flushes are necessary. These fluids are designed to protect the various engine systems. As you drive your vehicle, the fuels begin to break down and they don’t protect like they should. This, in turn, leads to more wear and tear on your engine parts causing the potential for breakdowns while reducing the life of your vehicle. But how often should you have the vital engine fluids flushed and replaced?

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Increase vehicle life with the car care professionals at New Jersey's Country Road Auto.

If we told you that by making a commitment to regular preventive maintenance, you could double, or even triple, the lifespan of your vehicle, would you be interested? Buying a new car is a pretty steep investment. By committing to regular car maintenance with the idea of keeping your vehicle on the road for as long as possible, you will not only eliminate that expensive car payment, you will also save money at the pumps and on unexpected car repairs. If that sounds great to you, here are 8 things you can do to increase the life of your vehicle.

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How to Avoid these Common Winter Car Problems

Avoid the common winter car problems. Bring your vehicle to Country Road Auto in Lincoln Park, NJ.

It’s cold outside so you bundle up. Not doing so, would lead to some pretty bad consequences. The same thing happens when you don’t prepare your car for the colder winter weather. By taking some car care measures, you can better protect your vehicle and avoid these common winter car problems.

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Country Road Automotive can handle all your car repair needs.

Communication is at the top of every shop owner’s list. After all, we want to make sure our customers are happy about the car repair services we provide. We also want to make sure your car, truck or van is fixed properly… the first time you bring it in to the shop. There are certain aspects of the car repair process that elicit questions. That’s ok. At Country Road Automotive, we are happy to answer any questions our customers have when it comes to the car repair process.  Here are the answers to some of the more commonly asked questions.

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Car running rough? Country Road Auto can give it a tune-up.

Many years ago, you would often hear someone talking about having a tune-up done on their vehicle. With the newer, computer-controlled vehicles, it seems to be a less common subject when it comes to car care. You may even be wondering if cars still need tune-ups. The answer is “Yes.” Read on to find out why you should have a tune-up done on your car and what it entails.

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Don't drive your vehicle if the engine oil light is on.

 Any time you see a “red” warning light on your dashboard, it is cause for immediate action. If the engine oil light warning light is lit on your dashboard, it’s because the pressure of the engine oil has dropped too low. If you continue to drive with this light on, your car’s engine will be damaged and any repairs will be extremely costly. If the engine seizes, you are most likely looking at having to buy a new engine or a new car. Read on to find out why the engine oil light came on and what you should do about it.

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Summer Car Problems can be avoided by bringing your vehicle to Country Road Auto in Lincoln Park, New Jersey.

Warm summer weather means you’ll probably be planning more road trips.  Whether you’re heading to the shore or driving to your vacation destination, driving in the summer sure beats driving in the winter.  Or does it? Any extreme temperature or weather condition will wreak havoc on your car’s engine. Here are three of the most common summer car problems drivers face during the summer months and what you can do to avoid them.

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Fluid flushes help preserve the life of your vehicle. Schedule yours at Country Road Auto in Lincoln Park, New Jersey.

When you purchased your vehicle, were you told you had to bring your car back to the dealership or you would void the manufacturer warranty? Not true. Unfortunately, this is one of several myths that car dealers and manufacturers often tell their customers. In reality, the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act makes it illegal for manufacturers or dealers to claim your warranty is void because someone other than the dealer did the work. In this blog post, we will answer the more commonly asked questions related to car warranties and repairs.

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Why isn’t my car heater working?

Find out why your car heater may not be working.

You get into your car on a cold winter morning, start it up, and wait for the engine to warm up so you can turn on the heat. Then, it happens… cold air comes blowing out of the vents! “What?! Why isn’t my car heater working?!” Well, it could be happening for any number of reasons. I’ll explain in more detail shortly. I will also give you some background on how your car’s heating system works and what you can do to make sure it’s properly maintained.

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